The Capstone

The capstone, also known as the cornerstone, is one of the most important pieces of a building. It can be the stone mounted in the corner of the foundation that joins all the other sides, or it can be the keystone mounted in the center of an archway. Either way, without it a building is not structurally sound and will collapse. In the same way, the pressure of our daily lives will cause us to collapse when our foundation isn’t structurally sound.  There doesn’t have to be an event of catastrophic proportions to bring us to our knees. In fact, often it’s an accumulation of several smaller things that slowly chips away at our soul and our sanity, until we eventually start to crumble. In a weakened state, we are more vulnerable to leaning on unhealthy supports such as sex, drugs, alcohol, work… However, an over reliance on any of these will eventually lead to collapse.

We can find hope in Psalm 118:22-23 ~

“The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

Life Application~

Later in the new testament, Jesus identifies himself as “the capstone” and uses this metaphor in two ways. In one way, He warns that those who reject Jesus will lose their spot in the kingdom of heaven. In another way, He gives us the answers to the test of life. He tells us that the very stability of our lives depends on our ability to build our homes and lives around Him (the capstone). There are no secrets or hidden agendas! We are simply expected to believe in Him, trust in Him and worship with Him daily through prayer, scripture etc. This keeps our faith foundation strong enough to bear the weight of unexpected life happenings. Take a minute to check your own foundation. Are you taking time each day to connect with God through prayer and scripture? Are faith based conversations happening in your home on a regular basis, only on Sunday or rarely? How can you make Jesus the capstone of your life and home?


Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me access to your kingdom through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Forgive me if I haven’t always made Jesus the capstone of my life and in my home. Provide me the desire and time to worship with You daily.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By: Angel Slawinski