
It’s exciting for parents when they see their child has a natural gift in a certain area. I remember watching my youngest son play football when he was in grade school. To say he loved the game was an understatement. Eventually his hard work paid off when he made the varsity team as a freshman in high school. Coaches encouraged him to continue working hard on and off the field, and they were confident he’d eventually go to college on a football scholarship. I envisioned taking my son on college visits, celebrating his final selection, and cheering for him during the college football games. I couldn’t wait to see him achieve his dream! 

However, never did I imagine my son’s path would soon take an unexpected turn. By the end of his freshmen year, he had been arrested and expelled from school for a drug related incident. He fell into depression and saw no hope for his future. This led to a two year journey of individual and group counseling, family counseling, and a long-term placement at an out of state treatment center to get him the support he needed. During this time, us parents learned to pray on our knees and turned to our Christian community for the support we needed. 

Eventually my son was able to re-enroll in the public school, and he even joined the football team again. Once again I began having visions of him playing college football and got excited about his future. Then the unexpected happened…again. Near the end of the season, my son realized he had lost his passion for the game, that there was more to life than football, and he quit the team. He still has one more year left of high school, but feels he may not go to college next year. It’s been a struggle, but through tears and prayer, I’ve let go of my dreams for my son and instead submitted my will to God’s plan for him.

I found hope in Proverbs 19:21

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”

Life Application~

There are still times when I mourn the loss of the life I envisioned for my son. If I see a social media post of a friend’s son visiting colleges, or I hear about my son’s friends receiving football scholarship offers, I think to myself: “that should have been my son.”  However, in these moments I’m reminded that I have to daily submit to God’s will and trust his plan for my son.  Although things in life don’t always work out how we envision, we have to remember God’s ways are higher than our ways, and He works all things together for our good. 


Heavenly Father, You are sovereign and in control. Today and everyday, I submit to your will. Remove any lingering disappointment that I feel when things don’t work out as I planned, and instead fill me with joy knowing, without a doubt, that your plans are for good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By: Angel Slawinski