
“Sunset on Prairie Lake” Photo Credit: Camden Burns, 16yrs.

It’s easy to rejoice when the sun is shining and your life is flourishing.  For many of us though, it’s a different story when the sky breaks loose and the troubles of life come pouring down like a flash flood. I can not begin to count the number of times our family was sailing along thinking all was well, when we were blindsided and landed smack in the middle of some type of crisis. In fact, we’ve been in a season for awhile in which it feels like we’re not quite out of one crisis before another begins brewing on the horizon. 

I believe these are critical turning points in our faith; and if we allow our emotions, words and actions to mirror the chaotic circumstances of our outer life, the only one rejoicing is the enemy! The enemy knows that if we deplete our time and energy trying to control the outcomes of our current crisis, it shifts our focus from God AND diverts our efforts from furthering His kingdom on earth and in heaven…and that is the real crisis!

We find hope in Habakkuk 3:18

Though the fig tree does not bud and no fruit is on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food…yet I will exult in the Lord; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

Life Application~

The truest testimony of our faith is when we are able to praise and rejoice in the Lord our God even when nothing in our life seems to be flourishing or bearing fruit. No matter how grim the outward appearance of our situation, we can rejoice knowing that the almighty God -creator of the heavens and earth- gave his only son as payment for our sins and to restore our relationship with Him!

Once we start living with our eyes focused on the heavenly instead of the earthly, our perspective changes. It frees our heart from the burden of everyday stressors and makes room for joy and gratitude. This is not automatic for most of us and requires a total shift in thinking. It requires us to put on the mind of Christ. To do this, we must intentionally spend time in prayer, read scripture, and meditate on the truth and the promises of God’s word daily. Only then will our inner spiritual life reflect our relationship with God instead of our connection to the world. Only then will we find God’s peace.


Heavenly Father, while things may not be as I want at the moment, scripture reminds me that You are the constant good in my life. I will sing your praises- rain or shine- because I know you go before me and pave the way. Thank you for reminding me to shift my focus from my worldly problems to the truth of your promises. In Jesus’ Holy name, Amen.

By: Angel Slawinski